Add Photos

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Administrators and members that are a “User with Self Approval” can add images. The images will be live on the portal immediately. Members that are a “User with Admin Approval” can add images and the administrator can review before making them live. Read-only members cannot upload images, but can view photos.

To add an image:

  1. Click on the organization or circle name on the left menu.
  2. Click “Photos”, then click the “Upload Photos” button.
  3. Use the “Photo Album” dropdown to select the album you want your uploads to go in. If you do not see the album you want, you can create it on the right “New Album” column. Enter the album name and description, then click “Create Album”.
  4. Enter any keywords for your image in the “Keyword” field. Members will be able to search and find your image by these keywords.
  5. Use the right column “Share Access” to control who can see your photo(s). If you’re adding photos in a circle, you can select “Share with All Members” to share the photos with the entire organization. If your circle has children, you can select “Share with Child Circles” to share with all of them. You can also share with any circles you belong to.
  6. Click on the “Drop files to upload” space and select the image(s) you want to add.
  7. Click “Open” to populate the image(s) in the upload space, then click “Upload”.
  8. Edit the title of your photo(s) and update or add keywords, then click “Save Changes”.