
Information overload is a huge problem in today’s world and especially in the modern workplace. Being inundated with emails, files, and alerts erodes productivity and can be a costly distraction for members of an organization. Leaders are always looking for ways to improve the flow of information to make sure the people that need it are getting it, and the people that don’t are not being bogged down by having to filter through it.

One of MemberCircle’s most appreciated features is the ability to set up hierarchical circles. Information flows down from parent circles to their children circles. This means that circles unrelated to a circle sharing something will not be involved. If something needs to be seen by all members of an organization, it can be posted at the highest level which will result in it being visible to all of the organization. If something is simply group-specific and does not need to be shared outside the group, the member can post it within the group and no one else will see it.

Every time a member shares something, they have a set of intuitive share buttons. These buttons allow the member to keep just within the circle they’re in, share with other circles they belong to, share with all child circles, or share with the entire organization. Because members have these options for each item they share, information flows appropriately to the people that need it.

Check out a free trial of MemberCircle today to see how it can help your organization improve its information flow!